Infinity Space Technology

Our QuantumSat Mission

Our Phoenix Quantumsat mission aims to revolutionise mineral exploration through advanced quantum optics technology. By deploying a satellite equipped with state-of-the-art quantum optics, we provide unprecedented accuracy in detecting and mapping mineral resources from space. This mission not only enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of mineral exploration but also paves the way for innovative applications of quantum technology in space exploration.

Unveiling the Future of
Mineral Exploration

Phoenix Quantumsat uses advanced quantum optics technology to revolutionise the way we discover and map mineral resources from space.

orbital transfer vehicle technology
Infinity Space Technology

How Quantumsat Technology Works

Phoenix Quantumsat utilises cutting-edge quantum optics technology to detect subtle variations in magnetic and gravitational fields associated with mineral deposits. These quantum optics, integrated into a cubesat design, measure these variations with unparalleled precision, enabling detailed mapping of underground resources. The data collected is transmitted to Earth, where advanced algorithms process and interpret the information, providing valuable insights for mineral exploration.

Infinity Space

Pioneering a New Era in Orbital Quantum optics

Our cutting-edge technology at OrbitalX leverages a multi-faceted approach to revolutionise Quantum optics, providing unparalleled insights for natural resource management. At the heart of our innovation lies Advanced Hyperspectral Imaging, a sophisticated technique that captures a broader spectrum of data, enabling a more detailed and nuanced analysis of Earth's surface.

Complemented by Machine Learning for Data Analysis, our system learns and adapts, extracting meaningful patterns and trends from the vast amount of information gathered. Orbital Quantum Sensors ensure precise and accurate data collection, contributing to the reliability of our analytics. Real-time Data Analysis enhances the speed at which critical information is processed, empowering users with immediate, actionable insights.

Infinity Space Technology

Unleashing Quantum Precision in Space Mineral Exploration

Phoenix Quantumsat utilises quantum optics technology to enhance mineral exploration capabilities from orbit. The satellite employs quantum sensors to detect subtle variations in magnetic and gravitational fields, indicative of underground mineral deposits. Data collected by the sensors is transmitted to Earth for analysis, enabling precise mapping and identification of valuable resources.

Infinity Space

Quantum optics for Mineral Discovery

Phoenix Quantumsat employs quantum optics technology to revolutionise mineral discovery from orbit. By detecting subtle quantum variations in magnetic and gravitational fields, the satellite identifies potential mineral deposits with unparalleled precision.

These quantum sensors enable Phoenix Quantumsat to create detailed maps of mineral resources, enhancing exploration efficiency and accuracy. The mission's focus on quantum optics represents a leap forward in Earth observation technology, promising transformative insights into global mineral resources. Through advanced quantum optics capabilities, Phoenix Quantumsat aims to redefine how we explore and understand Earth's mineral wealth.

Infinity Space Technology


Satellite Structure: Infinity Space NextStar 3U Chassis
Quantum Optics Payload Volume: 2U
Peak Power Generation: 4W
Payload: Infinity Quantum Optics Sensor
Point Accuracy: Up to 0.2° ADCS
TT&C (VHF): 9.6kb/s uplink
Payload Data Downlink:4.6Gb/s (UHF)
Antenna: 437 MHz UHF dipole antenna

Infinity Space

Redefining Mineral Exploration

Utilising quantum sensors, the satellite detects subtle quantum-level changes in magnetic and gravitational fields, pinpointing potential mineral deposits with unprecedented precision. This innovative approach enables Phoenix Quantumsat to deliver highly detailed mineral maps, revolutionising the efficiency and scope of global mineral resource discovery.

The integration of quantum optics marks a significant advancement in Earth observation, promising transformative insights and advancements in natural resource management. Phoenix Quantumsat is poised to lead the way in leveraging quantum technology for sustainable and informed mineral exploration worldwide.

Infinity Space Technology

Advancing Mineral Exploration with Quantum optics

By continuously monitoring these quantum fluctuations, Phoenix Quantumsat not only identifies the presence of minerals but also provides detailed insights into their composition and distribution. This data is crucial for understanding geological formations and optimising resource extraction strategies. Furthermore, the satellite's ability to operate from orbit ensures comprehensive coverage of vast and remote areas, making it an invaluable tool for both environmental conservation and economic development initiatives.

Infinity Space Technology